Sunday, April 23, 2006

Some properties of circles

In today's blog, I go over properties of a circle that I use later to prove the existence of pi. Today's proof is taken straight from Euclid.

Theorem 1: In a circle, if an angle that opens on the diameter, then it is a right angle.


(1) Let E be the center of the circle.

(2) BE ≅ BA ≅ CE since they are all radii.

(3) Since triangle AEB and triangle AEC are isoceles triangles (see here if needed), we can conclude (see here) that:

∠ ABE ≅ ∠ BAE

∠ ACE ≅ ∠ CAE

(4) And step #3 gives us that ∠ BAC = ∠ ABC + ∠ ACB.

(5) But we also know that ∠ FAC = ∠ ABC + ∠ ACB since:

(a) ∠ FAC = 180 degrees - BAC [Angles of a straight line add up to 180 degrees, see here if needed]

(b) ∠ ABC + ∠ ACB = 180 degrees - BAC [Angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, see here if needed]

(6) And since ∠ FAC ≅ ∠ BAC, both must be right angles [since 2*x = 180 degrees → x = 90 degrees]


Postulate 1: Similar segments of circles on equal straight lines equal one another.

Euclid originally presented this postulate as a theorem using the principle of superposition (see here for details). I am presenting it as a postulate in order to avoid the superposition.

Lemma 1: In equal circles, angles stand on equal circumferences whether they stand at the centers or the circumferences.


(1) Let ABC and DEF be congruent circles with ∠ G ≅ ∠ H and ∠ A ≅ ∠ D.

(2) Since they are congruent, all radii are congruent so that:

BG ≅ CG ≅ EH ≅ FH

(3) So we have triangle BGC ≅ triangle EHF by side-angle-side (see here if needed)

(4) From step #3, we know that BC ≅ EF

(5) So that segment BAC ≅ segment EDF. [See Postulate I above]

(6) And this implies that segment BKC ≅ segment ELF.


Lemma 2: In a circle, the angle at the center is double the angle at the circumference when the angles have the same circumference as base.


(1) Let ABC be a circle with center E.

(2) EA ≅ EB since both are radii.

(3) ∠ EAB ≅ ∠ EBA since the base angles of an isoceles triangle are congruent (see here for details if needed).

(4) ∠ BEF = ∠ EAB + ∠ EBA (since angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees and since two angles of a straight line add up to 180 degrees) so ∠ BEF is double ∠ EAB.

(5) We can use the same line of reasoning to establish that ∠ FEC is double ∠ EAC.

(6) Putting step #4 and step #5 together gives us that ∠ BEC is double ∠ BAC

(7) We can use this same reasoning to prove that ∠ GEC is double ∠ EDC.

(8) We can also prove that ∠ GEB is double ∠ EDB.

(9) Therefore the remaining ∠ BEC is double ∠ BDC.


Theorem 2: In equal circles, angles standing on equal circumferences are equal to one another, whether they stand at the center or at the circumference.


(1) So, we can assume that circumference BC circumference EC

(2) Assume ∠ BGC ≠ ∠ EHF

(3) Then one of them is greater; let's assume ∠ BGC is greater (if ∠ EHF is greater, we can make the same argument in terms of EHF)

(4) Construct ∠ BGK equal to ∠ EHF on the straight BG and at the point G on it (see here for details on the construction).

(5) Now equal angles stand on equal circumferences when they are at the centers, therefore circumference BK equals circumference EF (see Lemma 1 above)

(6) But EF equals BC so therefore BK equals BC which is a contradiction since BK is smaller than BC.

(7) So, we reject our assumption and conclude that ∠ BGC ≅ ∠ EHF

(8) The angle at A is half of the angle BGC. [See Lemma 2 above]

(9) The angle at D is half of the angle EHF [See Lemma 2 above]

(10) Therefore, the angle at A also equals the angle at D.


Lemma 3: A line tangent to a point on a circle forms a right angle with a line drawn from that point to the center of the circle.


(1) Assume that ∠ FCD is not a right angle

(2) Let FG be a line that is perpendicular to DE

(3) So triangle FGC is a right angle with the hypotenuse at FC.

(4) So FC is greater than FG by the Pythaogrean Theorem [See the Corollary here for details]

(5) But FC = FB since radii are congruent.

(6) So FC is less than FG which contradicts step #4.

(7) So we have a contradiction and we reject our assumption.



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