a0xn + a1xn-1 + ... + a(n-1)x + an
In today's blog, I will present a more formal definition and then show the very fundamental result that a polynomial is a ring. If you are not familiar with rings, then please start here.
The content in today's blog is taken from Jean Tignol's excellent Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations.
Definition 1: Polynomial in one indeterminant with coefficients in ring A
P: N → A such that { n ∈ N : Pn ≠ 0 } is finite. The set of all polynomials in one indeterminant with coefficients in ring A can be denoted as A[X].
Example 1:
Let us consider the polynomial:
a0 + a1X + ... + anXn
In this case, each ai is a coefficient in ring A.
We can see that for each i, that i ∈ N and that there exists an integer n ∈ N such that:
if i ≤ n, then i ∈ N maps to ai.
if i is greater than n, then i ∈ N maps to 0.
Definition 2: Addition of Polynomials
(P + Q)n = Pn + Qn
In other words, each of the maps corresponding to the same natural number are added together to form a new map.
Definition 3: Multiplication of Polynomials
(PQ)n = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Qj
In other words, each of the maps corresponding to the multiplication of all maps where the index of one plus the index of the other = n.
Lemma 1: If A is a ring, then A[X] is a ring which is commutative if and only if A is commutative
(1) A[X] is a ring since:
(a) A[X] has a commutative operation of addition
P + Q = Pi + Qi for all i.
Q + P = Qi + Pi for all i.
Since A is a ring, Pi + Qi = Qi + Pi
(b) A[X] has an associative rule for addition
(P + Q) + R = (Pi + Qi) + Ri for all i
P + (Q + R) = Pi + (Qi + Ri) for all i
(Pi + Qi) + Ri = Pi + (Qi + Ri) since A is a ring.
(c) A[X] has an additive identity
Let Q be a polynomial such that all Qi map to 0.
Then for any polynomial P, it is clear that P + Q = Pi + 0 = Pi for all i.
(d) A[X] has an additive inverse
For any polynomial P:
Let Q be a polynomial derived from P such that for all i: Qi = -Pi
P + Q = Pi + -Pi = 0 for all i.
(e) A[X] has an associative rule for multiplication
PQ = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Qj for all n
(PQ)R = ∑ (i+j+k=n) (Pi*Qj)Rk for all n =
= ∑ (i+j+k=n) Pi*(QjRk) for all n
QR = (j+k=n) Qj*Rk for all n
P(QR) = ∑ (i+j+k=n) Pi*(QjRk) for all n
(f) A[X] has a distributive rule
Q + R = Qj + Rj for all j
P(Q+R) = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*(Qj + Rj) =
= ∑ (i+j=n) PiQj + PiRj
PQ = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Qj for all n
PR = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Rj for all n.
PQ + PR = ∑ (i+j=n) PiQj + ∑(i + j=n) PiRj for all n =
= ∑(i+j=n) PiQj + PiRj
(Q+R)P = ∑ (i+j=n) (Qj + Rj)*Pi =
= ∑ (i+j=n) PiQj + PiRj
(2) If A is a commutative ring, then A[X] is a commutative ring.
(a) Assume that A is a commutative ring
(b) PQ = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Qj for all n =
= ∑ (i+j=n) Qj*Pi for all n = QP
(3) If A[X] is a commutative ring, then A is a commutative ring
(a) Assume that A[X] is a commutative ring
(b) QP = PQ = ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Qj for all n
(c) QP = ∑ (i+j=n) Qj*Pi for all n
(d) So, therefore for all n, ∑ (i+j=n) Pi*Qj = ∑ (i+j=n) Qj*Pi
- Jean-Pierre Tignol, Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations
, World Scientific, 2001
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